Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Miss yellow for the night.

Be it prank or not, I certainly hope no one fall into holes like me! Can't believe leaves can cover a small n deep hole which landed me in shit. Can't imagine if I were pregnant.

Covered the hole with stones I grab nearby n crawled home into hubby's arms.

26years I have alighted at this bustop. 1st mishap. No place is safe. Lesson learnt. LOL

Lesson number 2: keep eyes on floor n not on keeping my ezlink card. Avoid suspicious areas ! ESP covered with a stack of leaves. No matter how small patch that area is. Could just be a possible loopHOLE.

I can only describe my fall ending pose as a TURTLE looking into the sky.
Total embarrassment . Just so my face don't hit the floor as well!

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