Tuesday, 30 October 2012


This season WTTS brings u:

  • Studded hats (black)
  • Old school flare skirts (green)
  • WTTS detachable collar top (mustard)
  • Peep toe boots (brown)

Fareast plaza #04-132

Shoes order came!

Remember our shoes preorder? The shoes came and have been mailed out!
And these are shop displays! Interested do come down n purchase. 

Sunday, 28 October 2012


Apologies to the customers if I seem rude n hv been sitting at my desk at every opportunity. 

Saturday, 27 October 2012


Awesome makeup by artistic Katrine!

This is mr teo! Oooooolhhhhlllaaaaa


Didn't go anywhere in the end cos feeling feverish n friends last min wanna go ktv instead. Everywhere too crowded. Aww.. So decided go hm.


Reach hm and told myself alright.. I still wanna be cat for tonight. Did a 2mins makeup while brother yakking about legoland. Haha!

Then they made me crawl like a cat n accidentally hit my wounds. So now more inflamed.

2mins family joy, 2hours of leg pain. Worth.

Friday, 26 October 2012


It's the day for Halloween.

Trick or treat?

My friends are mostly enthusiastic about this frightening event. Haha!

I'm not a party girl but has decided to doll up as tmr as well since my dear Junhao gonna be fully dressed!

Did my nails. 2nd attempt, Still fail. But I love my DIY. Better than my first attempt but took longer as I had to wait for gel to dry dry dry.
How about u?

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Happy HARI RAYA HAJI in a few mins!

Let the long weekend be full of fun and savings!!

Spread the love!

Only valid for shop sales.



We see a trend lately where many shops are selling these spikey studded shoes for more than S$45 a pair. Im not a trend person but am interested in owning a black pair as well to match some of my dresses. Hence, opening this preorder. 独乐乐不如众乐乐!


Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Miss yellow for the night.

Be it prank or not, I certainly hope no one fall into holes like me! Can't believe leaves can cover a small n deep hole which landed me in shit. Can't imagine if I were pregnant.

Covered the hole with stones I grab nearby n crawled home into hubby's arms.

26years I have alighted at this bustop. 1st mishap. No place is safe. Lesson learnt. LOL

Lesson number 2: keep eyes on floor n not on keeping my ezlink card. Avoid suspicious areas ! ESP covered with a stack of leaves. No matter how small patch that area is. Could just be a possible loopHOLE.

I can only describe my fall ending pose as a TURTLE looking into the sky.
Total embarrassment . Just so my face don't hit the floor as well!

Saturday, 20 October 2012


"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"

Every piece of cloth, can make a great apparel. Every piece is an art. It is how one make it look good on oneself. Some people are born beautiful enough to pull off any piece. Some are born smart enough to match the correct colors that suit themselves. Everyone of us has our own style. And everyone deserves to be praised and appreciated. Today, what you wear may not be recognized, tomorrow, it may be a different tale.

What one wear today may be viewed as shit, or even make people perceive his character to what they wore, in the end dislike him/her. But to those who appreciate, he/she is da fashionista. Love or hate, is how you perceive at that point in time. You may be what you eat, but you may not be what you wear.

*the above are just my personal viewpoint* ;)



Thursday, 18 October 2012


Late, but just read about the news.

What are your views?

Ps: blogs updated.

eyelid tips


sharing a useful video by michelle phan on correcting eyelids w/o surgery.

hope of use ! Happy thursday!

*kindly read her advices and disclaimers before attempting*

well personally i have no guts of doing this but i know of friends who did it as well, and it worked well on them. As to whether you can achieve a double eyelid permanently, personally i doubt no. But, if you practice persistently, i strongly believe there will at least be an arch.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Vomit still. No stop.

Pardon me if I appear tired or crazy in shop.

We figured that blue n silver would be the next in-colors.

So this quarter we have packed ourselves with BLUES! except mondayblues.

Sunday, 14 October 2012


CELEBRATING 3rd monthsary!!!

Follow us and stay tuned for our mega sales! Including upcoming leather jackets, shades, watches, scarfs and etc!!


Saturday, 13 October 2012

What's up?

Everyone knows Halloween is round the corner. Are you dolling yourself up this season? Rolling out fantastic stuffs like Cheongsums, leather jackets, shades, necklaces, clothings, pullovers, And etc!

Sharing our loots at low prices soon!

From Hongkong
Follow us on instagram/fb for latest updates!

Fareast plaza , #04-132

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Greetings from hongkong!

Late night shopping for Cheongsum!

Then dimsum!

The past 4 days have been fulfilling and we shop til max!

Age is catching up relentlessly . My legs are "dead" soon.

And my human-GPRS hubby is falling apart too. Need to feed him with love n good food. ;)

Night world!

Friday, 5 October 2012





let's ping pong your woes away!


Simply spend any nett s$35 in a single invoice to get 1 lucky dip!

What are the prizes?

Alphabets representation of prizes:

A) thank you
B) free pair of earrings (while stocks last)
C) one free membership card
D) one $1 instant cash rebate
E) one $2 instant cash rebate
F) one $3 instant cash rebate
G) one $5 instant cash rebate
H) one $10 instant cash rebate

All prizes are to be redeemed immediately.

Invoice nett amount : S$35

Prize won: $2 cash rebate
Instant deduct $2
Total amount to pay: $33.

Thursday, 4 October 2012


ever wanted these cool studded hats in all designs and colors?
here's a sneak of what's coming your way soon.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Double surprise in a day!

Thank you buddy!

Buddy got us popcorn, and bread! It was a surprisingly sugar-sweet surprise!  

Thank you hubby for the surprise flowers due Tmr! WAHAHA!